Welcome to Historical Maps of Asia!
- This database is purely meant for academic purposes.
- The maps were collected in the past several decades.
- The database covers entire India,
Southeast Asia and parts of East Asia.
The database would be greatly increased in coming years
with more maps covering entire Asia.
- Those who utilize this map database for their products should mention
"Mizushima Laboratory (2019), Historical Maps of Asia:
- The following institutions and individual contributed this project.
They include
Center for Southeast Asian Studies (Kyoto University),
Toyo Bunko (Oriental Library),
Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library (The University of Tokyo),
Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica,
and Tsukasa Mizushima.
The project was also assisted by the British Library,
the University of Chicago Library,
IDE (Institute of developing Economies) -Jetro (Japan External Trade Organization),
and Centre for Asian Area Studies (Rikkyo University),
and was sponsored by the Japan Society of Promotion of Sciences (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 17HP8007)
and by the Center for South Asian Studies at The University of Tokyo (under the sponsorship of Integrated Area Studies on South Asia project at the National Institutes for the Humanities).
I am grateful for the supports extended to me.
- This site exhibits only the thumbnails of the collected maps.
Original maps are kept in the respective holders separately
and are placed under the respective copy-right regulations.
Those who want to request the original should make enquiry directly to the holders.
- The member of the project include Tsukasa Mizushima,
Ippei Sekido, Takeshi Hamashita, Kana Tomizawa, Satoru Kobayashi, Dr. Hsiungming Liao and Prof. I-Chun Fun.
- The site was developed by Info-proto Co.,Ltd. and hosted by CSIS, The University of Tokyo.
(Tsukasa Mizushima zushima2010 (at) gmail.com April, 2019)